I had no distinct idea of how any of the bands would sound, which was weird because I normally go to a gig with some sort of expectation, if it’s not the sound at least the image, but I did know the collective broad genre they would all fall into was noise music, which is something I’m not really a fan of, but my sister talked me into going. I don’t regret going, because I now have two more bands to add to my list of ‘new bands I like’. The first being, Icy Demons, who brightened up my evening after my hope had diminished from the first two acts. Icy Demons, I knew from when they were setting up they would be good for two reasons; one, they were vastly ethnically different, which I kind of assume their music taste and background is diverse, second, there was more than three of them which means there are more variant influences and sounds that run in the veins of the band. Their sound, how to describe it? It was a beautifully orchestrated mess of sound, beats and music. It was the mess that I liked, the ‘we’ve just thrown this together and randomly found it sounded good’ sort of sound, my ears were ensure whether to like them; they had old school hip-hop beats, dreamy simple vocals and lyrics, geek chic rhythms (Hot Chip elements), 70s ‘free love’ sound; what was I to do with such a toxic concoction? Tell me? I bought the album, and haven’t looked back, oh and I got it signed by the lead vocalist and the incredible drummer. Love, I’m sure it was. Times New Viking were very good, the crowd went wild, and there was another band I liked called Rainbow Arabia, they sounded like M.I.A, but they had no great stage presence, unfortunately for the preceding acts, my mind was happily occupied by Icy Demons for the rest of the night.
Recommendation: Icy Demons – Miami, Times New Viking – Drop-Out
Image source: Google
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