Above the Oxfam shop pictured is a restaurant that I've always wanted to visit just because of how intriguing it looks from the outside . My reason for finally visiting it was to take pictures for ideas of how to convert an educational use building into a restaurant for a coursework assignment.
There are stairs leading up to the restaurant and the image on the right is what you are greeted with when you get to the top -The Larder on Goosegate it informs me.
The image on the right is the staircase area leading up to the restaurant -I like the fact there is a bay window inside. The image on the right is inside the beautiful small restaurant; the bar is tiny.
The door next to the picture frames is the entrance door pictured in the second image above.
I'm still completely mesmerised by how discreet this amazing restaurant is, and it's literally on my door step and I've just discovered its beauty now.
Lesson of the day: don't procrastinate on doing something new.
Edit: The restaurant was formally a small herbalist's shop that became the pharmaceutical giant Boots!